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Comments (2)

Eugena - 29 July 22:14

Je suis absolument sans complexes! Je peux venir a toi, a vous. Tu baise moi completement nue.

Devorah - 3 December 13:40

La prostituée apparaît alors comme le négatif de cette image idéale. Their will for modernization is felt through the valorisation of new principles emerged from pre-existing and systematically diffused conceptions, which paved the way for the establishment of a common cultural ground to the majority of the population.

Sherrie - 10 August 19:44

Yes my love you granny

Nghe - 26 March 02:44

Is it racist when I say or think to myself i never had sex with an asain or a black girl and go out looking for that type in specific just because im curious? Or is being that specific in a certain type already racist? And is it racist if I tell anyone Youre the first asain/black/redhead/whatever I date/had sex with?

Liana. Age: 23
Lisa. Age: 27
Lia. Age: 25
