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Comments (7)

Kama - 24 September 04:44

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Jeannine - 27 June 16:00

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Hans - 10 April 06:49

I'm interested that Eden seems very optimistic about people within the LGBTQIA community being allies to the other letters. I have known so many gay/lesbian people who are hateful and unsupportive of trans and bisexual individuals.

Upole - 9 November 12:05

Seriously, the therapist stops and thinks and apologies, and no hard feelings sighhhhhhh. no. NOT your job to teach therapists. I do teach them and we take sex all the time because clients talk sex. IF a therapist does not know, they lack self awareness and will probably say something hurtful. Let supervisors deal with them. You change therapists and help your self, PLEASE. You do not pay someone to advocate to them.
