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Comments (7)

Carlise - 12 June 03:40

Mignon yummy soif l’intimite sexuelle.

Taylor - 27 February 06:23

We really enjoyed the apartment and its location. So much so that we have reserved another week!

Markita - 8 April 14:55

O_O I'm trying at least.

Cleopatra - 18 October 11:42

A lot of people in the comments are defensive on this topic. I think it simmers down to exposure eg, shaved pubic hair is now prolific in porn and so is now attractive to most. People are sold a white ideal of beauty by the media, mainstream, and so most people automatically become attracted to it. Lindsey's trying to encourage thinking outside of your comfort zone to encourage you to be attracted to people you might not usually be. She's not full of crap or wrong imo
