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Comments (2)

Toby - 2 May 06:27

Souhaiter avec plaisir passer temps entoure passionne chatons. Je suis heureux de pret aider bien passer du temps.

Aretha - 28 January 21:28

Depuis, elle a rompu avec les Femen, mouvement dont elle avait soutenu la cause en posant seins nus à deux reprises.

Stacy - 2 August 04:39

I'm sorry you have to do through this. I hope everything is getting better for you.

Russell - 8 December 16:01

really doubt theyre lesbian.or theyre not into each other..too many camera beeps and flashes..they need a more guidance on what to do...they both looked lost and didnt look natural..maybe some acting coaching would help and shoot puctures after the video is over..the sounds and flashes do not make this enjoyable to watch.
