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Comments (6)

Lweis - 22 May 14:27

Coince mes photos, hesites, craignons. Ici rien reflechir, besoin maintenant rencontrer et passer agreablement nuit, qualite sexe je nomination.

Vowles - 15 May 21:25

Sentez le sexe avec trois prostituees à la fois.

Cucchiaro - 1 August 10:03

This obvious pleasure is hard to ignore and wives from young to old all react like that most first timers embarrassed at the creamy mess they produce try and not react as some husbands truly think the guy has cum already. Seeing it coating a fat dick makes it worse amazed wives memorized at the amount of pussy juice they had.

Girard - 30 October 05:57

I can imagine fucking this BBW in her ass.

Hinchee - 10 February 09:42

A lot of people in the comments are defensive on this topic. I think it simmers down to exposure eg, shaved pubic hair is now prolific in porn and so is now attractive to most. People are sold a white ideal of beauty by the media, mainstream, and so most people automatically become attracted to it. Lindsey's trying to encourage thinking outside of your comfort zone to encourage you to be attracted to people you might not usually be. She's not full of crap or wrong imo
