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Comments (8)

Meaghan - 18 August 11:36

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Derenzi - 23 June 16:31

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Lesbi, Fisting. Si vous cherchez une escorte ou un sex massage, vous êtes au bon endroit.

Orick - 7 December 11:33


Tosha - 5 November 10:42

You lost me at the implication that if it's not explicit verbal consent, then it's not really consent at all. (Especially the ideologically-doctrinaire compulsory heterosexuality argument please. I fail to see what's inherently wrong with non-verbal consent, in itself. I'm sure your issue is with potential ambiguity, and I agree, if there's any *ambiguity*, one should stop doing and start asking.

Mance - 5 May 02:11

what the fuck yeahhh
