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Comments (8)

Stofsky - 26 October 12:48

Profitez de la grand choix des profils prostituees a Tullins.

Kadis - 28 December 11:42

Par François Forestier.

Estelle - 26 July 09:34

Even if it wasn't the intent, there is absolutely nothing in the post that indicates that it isn't an generalization. There is no flaw in pointing that out and asking them to use distinctions so as not to make blanket statements that do not apply to a large portion of aces. As an ace who is not sex-averse, this is important to me; I've had too many people make those kinds of assumptions about me already.

Niesha - 11 July 21:47

this is fake advertising for the website on the video. I signed up to see the full video and its nowhere to be found. Support wont answer back either.

Claire. Age: 18
Julia. Age: 20
Lina. Age: 25
