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Comments (8)

Starghill - 30 April 16:17

Reve avec un grand plaisir passer horloge l’entreprise chaud beaute. Je suis heureux de pret aider se reposer.

Buchs - 16 November 15:07

Réel prix pour le sexe à Stoke-on-Trent - euros.

Bryon - 11 March 02:32

As an atheist, should I make a point to demean the religious people who want to promote my rights? Obviously, Universalist Unitarians aren't a part of the skeptic community any more than straight allies are part of the queer community. But that doesn't make them any less worthy of respect for their efforts.

Orick - 25 September 18:12

By brought up bisexual I mean until decided, so basically you can like whomever you like regardless of gender. Not this way is normal if you don't fit then there must be something wrong with you. If you bring children up to know that they can fall in love with anybody, male or female, then which ever it turns out to be they don't feel outcast or different.
