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Comments (7)

Dilligard - 29 October 05:23

Souhaiter bien passer loisirs societe magnifique beaute. Je suis toujours heureux vous aider se reposer.

Schmale - 3 October 04:27

Au Vélodrome, Mario Balotelli a connu une soirée mouvementée. Buteur dès la cinquième minute, l'Italien a ensuite déchanté avec un avertissement et la défaite des siens

Jannette - 10 December 03:17

This went from being a funny informative and awesome comment section to me being on the weird part of youtube.

Emmitt - 29 February 09:06

I am sad that there were no Matthew PG nipples. But the video had the entire Thanksgiving party laughing out loud, and we were thankful for that.

Olesen - 16 December 21:01

This video is so helpful and uplifting. Best advice I've ever heard, I had to figure it out on my own and I hope this helps others
