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Comments (3)

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Opteyndt - 25 September 11:55

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Teri - 24 July 14:28

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Kolker - 19 November 19:46

I tend to find (in an bothersome Oedipal manner women that share features with my mother more attractive: brunette women that are notably shorter than me, broad-hipped, wear glasses, have a pronounced nasal structure, independent, and intelligent. I'm sure it relates to the fact that I was primarily raised by my mother, so those features make me feel more comfortable. That's not to say I only am attracted to women that fit that exact profile but they usually have at least some of those features.

Kriss - 2 September 05:18

nice but not long enough.

Jacqueline. Age: 22
Oksana. Age: 23
Edita. Age: 29
