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Comments (7)

Corradino - 19 May 02:19

Adore, aime sa chatte. Appelez-moi, passer du temps alone, mais l’un comme ennuyeux.

Minna - 26 September 03:16

Ici plus insatiable femmes: chic et elegant poupées et petite putains.

Eheler - 16 January 17:23

Brings back fond, if painful memories of my husband caning my "big ass", and the backs of my legs, calves, and soles of my feet. Lot's of begging & screaming. I also had to count the strokes and if I got the number wrong, it was back to zero. Thanks for the memory!

Luigina. Age: 25
Palmyra. Age: 23
Ilaria. Age: 20
