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Comments (10)

Huth - 7 December 17:06

Passionne fille avec formes appetissantes manque, profitez!

Bleecker - 2 March 08:14

Choisissez votre langue préférée. Nous parlons français et 42 autres langues.

Larriva - 1 January 17:42

The woman in the red panties belongs to de Bonaire. Her swollen belly is a result of my handiwork and thick, rich seed. It is time for her to be pregnant again and it will be my sexual gratification to inseminate her when I see her next.

Arthur - 17 May 20:49


Sid - 11 June 13:15


Kemfort - 28 October 20:17

Another case of husband being the boy selfish piece of shit. He can have anytime he wants. But she starts really enjoying fucking the other guy the god damned husband hus to but in and take her for his selfish ass himself. Hey you fuckin dick head hubby leave her the fuck alone let her emjoy the other guy. YOU DON'T FUCKIN OWN HER. YOU ARE PITIFUL EXCUSE FOR A HUSBAND. Grow up you bastard.
