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Comments (5)

Federico - 12 May 18:46

Charmant et experimente, modele apparence. Je ferai tout au plus haut niveau meme pour le plus avance gars.

Jared - 30 November 22:02

Contact Admin. Rencontres ados tchatche libertin gratuit.

Adesso - 5 March 15:32

I don't think I ever noticed a hymen, but I rode my bike and horses a lot as a child. So maybe that's why?

Bretl - 3 March 20:00

Consider experimenting, but don't feel pressured to do anything you're not comfortable with. Find a guy you trust and talk to him maybe. However, sexuality isn't a choice, and it's not confined to straight/gay/bi. Give yourself time to figure it out, and try not to stress too much. If you like someone and want to pursue a relationship, pursue it! If you find out it's not for you, it's 100 okay. Rarely do people get it right on their first try. Just relax and make sure you feel/are safe.
