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Comments (8)

Farid - 21 September 08:01

Bouche mignonne, je souhaite communes rencontres agreable avec le developpement de nature sexuelle. Fais-le, prends mon telephone et venez, Je ferai tout, comment faut!

Menton - 16 September 14:18

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Norman - 25 August 07:19

I also feel that culture matters in this. Here in Denmark many are taught at home early in their teenage years how to handle alcohol, because we have a strong drinking culture, and knowing how to function while drunk can make a lot of difference in the risks you present to you and your surrounding, when you are completely out of it.

Sancrant - 30 October 10:08

Is it weird i've seen porn of all these before

Eugene - 27 May 02:56

Sorry but this photographer wins Golden Raspberry award for this year
