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Comments (6)

Amaya - 17 August 15:07

Hot belle avec accueillent les formes de pantalon, montez le telephone et appeler!

Kris - 23 May 16:19

The development of the tourism boom in two phases sufficiently differentiated - that of sustainable tourism, says to , then second phase with a non-tourism control - allowed us to develop a historical analysis of the relationship between populations and tourism.

Amanda - 15 November 12:35

Типа "Крутой перец". Жаль, что писюлька маленькая((

Coull - 20 April 09:15

Calling someone a pussy actually comes from an old English word pusillanimous, meaning cowardly and primarily used to describe a soldier who ran away from battle. I guess that's still the spirit of modern usage in a lot of ways, but because of its similarity to slang for ladyparts it's taken that dual meaning on.

Leta - 18 July 06:55

