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Comments (4)

Chet - 25 February 18:35

Bouche, aime caresser son corps. Viens, caresse ma chatte alone, et moi ennuyeux.

Damaris - 11 October 16:36

Cela n'a pas empêché le poème d'être prisé par les cercles littéraires de l'époque.

Devorah - 6 October 03:46

I remember when I was in eighth grade the teacher had a question box for the sex ed we were learning and we could ask anything anonymously. He answered every question(besides the personal ones to the best of his abilities and when a question was repeated he would say the same answer again. It was awesome cause even shy students like me could get their questions answered. High school was a totally different thing though. В

Drape - 4 July 23:18

Can you follow me on twitter @micahokelley

Doris - 21 December 14:48

I'd take you to a topless beach and show you off. Then back to the room to tend to my engorged boner.

Cleopatra - 4 March 21:05

Show me then
