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Comments (2)

Wm - 25 February 21:03

Reve caresse dans son de soie lits, Je suis ici triste quand tu n’es pas avec moi!

Bibi - 26 May 13:53

Skip to main content.

Vergara - 20 June 18:26

Nice a-hole.

Casement - 15 April 08:24

Also the who rape part: when i seen that guy(forgotten whos dumb ass who sayed that say that on TV.i just kinda looked blankly at the wall for few minutes in a kind of horror that someone could be part of are science board.and even think anything like that.i mean he has some power to control what happens to are country and id say hes not even mentally fit to pass high school.

Lanita - 17 March 07:20

