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Comments (3)

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Foster - 28 February 21:49

I was also really lucky that when my church leaders taught me about abstinence, they did so in a way that didn't make sex bad or scary. I was taught that sex isn't just good, it's sacred, and that's why we choose not to have sex before marriage. Our church also taught me that every person has the right to think and choose for themselves how they should act, which has allowed me to keep an open mind and respect those who don't believe the same things I do.

Seidler - 7 August 06:59

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Borzea - 4 March 04:42

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Kelley - 10 April 11:45

So maybe it's OK to be dismissive of performing life and body altering rites on non-consenting individuals based on the writings in a book containing pretty crazy stuff?
