Telephones Putains Mogadiscio

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Comments (10)

Cipkowski - 25 April 07:47

Coince sur photos, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, besoin simplement rencontrer et d’obtenir buzz, et de tendresse et d’affection toi fournirai!

Hazel - 4 November 17:00


Admin - 6 September 11:31

she could ride me in the morning ,afternoon or night

Tunby - 2 July 17:29

Here is a wiki link for pejorative. This is the linguistics term used for such derogatory terms covered in this video. It briefly describes the process by which words may become derogatory or re-appropriated into non-pejorative usage with a few examples. Very fun stuff if you are a linguistics buff!

Santo - 15 May 15:42

she is suck

Melynda - 25 January 07:16

Did u c how big her clit was and how extended!? Oh man where can I find her?
