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Comments (3)

Preston - 29 January 16:00

Interessant et appetissant, modele apparence. Je vais creer une atmosphere paradisiaque incluant le plus gros gars.

Cristopher - 26 September 14:18

Nomination de Laurent Pietraszewski, impeachment, réforme des retraites

Doug - 5 June 04:41

I took sex ed in middle school my teacher was very supportive and even showed that condoms are very stretchable by putting it on a volunteer students head, she also explained every form of birth control even the pull out method and made sure every student review the birthcontrol. If a student was absent she would go back and review it. Pretty happy with my sex Ed

Jeannine - 8 September 23:00

Just perfect

Wayson - 18 October 13:40

Loved,loved,loved this video.So much laid back sex by participants of all ages ,shapes and sizes.Well done to the person who shared this and I;d love an invite sometime !!!
