Telephones Putes Port au Prince

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Comments (3)

Kirby - 26 October 22:18

Veux caresse dans lits, moi seul tres ennuyeux quand tu n’es pas avec moi!

Allyn - 20 June 05:20

La pute est à la mode, c'est tellement évident.

Binderup - 27 December 07:34

I have a feeling that she may or may not be a huge fucking pedophile.

Enoch - 25 December 14:38

I'm pretty sure it became offensive when uneducated people started using it to mean transgendered instead of what it's supposed to mean.

Butta - 14 April 21:09

hi nice

Lacaze - 7 May 21:46

I love that you reference pick up artists. there would be peace in the world (i'm exaggerating but I need to be figurative to express the importance of this if puas and feminsts collaborated to put out content together. (not peace between feminsts and puas, but peace for EVERYONE IN THE WORLD).
