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Comments (7)

Peralto - 15 October 18:17

Bouche fille veut passion.

Salley - 22 July 23:47

Contenu exclusif disponible, ne figurant pas sur Pornhub.

Roosevelt - 2 August 16:27

Is he playing a wrestling match at the end ??? What a pity !!!!

Craig - 10 December 15:12


Elias - 29 November 19:44

An interesting theory, I suppose. Except, GSDM people have been being discriminated against long before we actually had the rhetoric to describe our situations and identities. We've been oppressed, abused, and murdered before we HAD the labels that allow us to form communities and talk about our experiences. Sooooo stop trying to blame US for the oppression we face because we found the words to talk about what we've been though, yeah?

Lyndsay - 10 August 23:31

Can you do a video about aftercare?
