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Comments (8)

Virginia - 5 August 12:28

Charmant et efficace, mignon apparence. Je ferai tout au plus haut niveau meme pour le plus gros hommes.

Domingo - 19 June 16:55

Recherche rencontre sans lendemain site de rencontre totalement gratuit pour homme et femme livry gargan rencontre ronde gratuit cannes.

Hafen - 9 June 04:18

Haha, atleast there are good news on the TV!

Sottosanti - 14 September 23:33

These rapid delivery videos are WAY TOO FAST for my brain to comprehend what you are saying because: 1 You're speaking way too fast, 2 You're not enunciating clear enough and sometimes your voice gets too soft for fast talk to be effective, and 3 The jump cuts are too fast and it's very confusing because sometimes it's unclear if you're on a new topic. In both videos, I had to stop, rewind, and replay nearly every single Q&A because of the reasons above. It's annoying. Please slow down?

Robin - 24 June 20:46

My favorite part of the whole process is when we come . up against a glitch.
