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Comments (9)

Garg - 27 April 17:34

Veux qualitativement passer horloge l’entreprise delicieux chatons. Je suis toujours prete a vous aider se reposer.

Carita - 15 April 07:35

Camilleri lo crede, se traspone in balletto scatenato, in farsa grottesca il suo mondo siciliano, di cui nel primo libro Il corso delle cose aveva mostrato gli aspetti misteriosi e crudeli. Ma i miracoli esistono, e premiano chi vogliono.

Rocky - 5 October 13:28

I'm am asking this purely out of curiosity (not to start controversy). But I do not understand when certain people of the LGBTQ community make the statement I was born this way. When I would ask a friend or other person they seem to not give a clear answer. Can you either give an answer or recommend someone who can. Yet again I ask this purely out of curiosity not for anyone to get offended

Hassie - 12 April 18:47

man, uncut cocks are not pleasing to the eye, blehh, nothing like a big mushroom head on a dick.

Cordia - 29 June 13:24

I never liked the word assigned in this context. I know why they use it, but to me it sounds like they think its this big conspiracy against them.
