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Comments (4)

Worsfold - 28 March 12:10

Passionne minou, je souhaite communes relations agreable avec le developpement de nature sexuelle. Fais-le, prends mon numero et venez, Je vais remplir tous, que vous desirez!

Jonathon - 29 March 09:43

Toutes sortes de sexe pour tous les goûts. Seules les filles éprouvées.

Sid - 7 October 10:50

would suckit

Nobuko - 15 February 19:41

It's a starting point to figure out the best solution for your situation. It's not as if your wants and won'ts will change when you make the list-they're there already-so if you and your partner would be disappointed after you make the list, chances are at least one of you already is! It opens up the relationship for more communication, and you can think much more about how to achieve the best solution for the two of you.

Johnsie - 22 September 18:47

If you're not forcing your own agenda on your child, then they're forcing someone else's agenda on them. You can't raise a child by their own agenda, they're just a child.
