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Comments (9)

Hadges - 26 May 23:15

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Groehler - 2 September 05:25

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Pablo - 24 October 06:01

I don't know where these people get their jewelery, but i wanna shop there.

Brouwers - 2 June 09:20

Ha ha @elleteedeeВ #sexplanations,В you should go on moreВ asexual,В jediВ dates, cosВ В we .В В В talk more aboutВ sex, andВ weВ need theВ education about howВ sexВ works, becauseВ weВ will neverВ be in a sexual relationship, butВ weВ constantlyВ talkВ about theВ wrong issues, andВ you haveВ taughtВ usВ a lotВ about thoseВ crazieВ hetrosexuals, andВ ,В В all the topics,В В В #allВ ofВ all theВ topics. stayВ curious, even if one isВ an asexual,В sr dho,В starВ wardВ jediВ whoВ will never haveВ sex, andВ В alwaysВ beВ curious
