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Comments (4)

Amirian - 17 September 02:24

Reve caresse dans son de soie lits, moi seul quand tu n’es pas avec moi!

Palmer - 3 July 08:18

Sexe libertin cap d agde contacts femmes neiva lettre pour raconter un mariage film x fr wannonce maine et loire.

Roselee - 11 June 03:23

hot video , thanks for sharing.

Jannette - 16 October 04:31

Finally, would you say there is a place for sex without protection? For medical reasons, I'm incapable of getting pregnant. If my boyfriend and I have never had any other partners, wouldn't it be mostly safe for us to do things without protection? (As a sidenote, this isn't someone who has already done things without condoms asking if it'd be okay for her to do things without condoms, looking for validation. This is someone hoping to be able to take condoms out of the picture safely for future sex).

Adan - 6 June 03:53

The fear of killing the mood stems from people who have been conditioned to think that sex is bad and they can only have it if you don't ask for it agree to it allow it. It is only OK (note the quotes if they had no clue what was going on. If a person is that damaged, then having sex is difficult for them. In such a case they need to heal from the damage done to them by their family church whomever.
