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Comments (7)

Arthur - 4 September 06:45

Vue sur LS, bisous

Rueben - 16 January 21:51

Les Khaldouyankés à la tête de Karamo … ko Alpha Mo Labé fut naturellement le premier imam de la mosquée dont il est le fondateur et fit assister par ses parents proches et ses talibés. Karamoko Alpha était à la fois un chef politique et religieux.

Bessie - 16 January 06:14

BTW there is only one human race. You don't call 'gingers a race, just because their outside characteristics are different from people with another color of hair.

Dian - 15 February 05:48

Well done beautiful lady

Dregrich - 22 January 17:36

U.wish that was ur girlfriend....that video is everywhere...

Mize - 5 July 23:40

Another tip: if you're going to be doing the receiving during penetrative sex, I strongly advise you buy a butt plug or dildo to practise with. It'll let you know the depth of your butt/vagina so you know how deep you can go before it's uncomfortable. Also, especially in the case of anal, some people's bodies won't cooperate some days or at all so make sure you're experienced with your own body and what it can handle so as to avoid an awkward moment on the day/night when it won't go in. Stay curious!
