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Comments (5)

Cordia - 11 November 09:22

Veux baise-toi chez moi lits, moi ici seul sans toi!

Louis - 20 May 06:35

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Preas - 19 January 10:29

Thank you for this episode and thank you for the subtitles. You have no idea how much does this help to reach more people around the world. I hope that you continue to put subtitlte to all of your videos. Thank you for teaching me and my wife in this topic.

Anjelica - 11 February 11:34

It is the prescriptive racism that is the authentic racism, not the guesswork racism-accusation of an outsider (which itself would be hypocritical to the accusation), since they are supposing better knowledge of the so-called racist than the racist himself.

Cordia - 11 November 20:53

Fucking loved it
