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Comments (8)

Schuchman - 29 August 07:57

Veux caresse chez moi lits, moi tres ennuyeux sans toi!

Wally - 14 July 18:51

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Lesbi, Fisting. Nous vous garantissons du plaisir surnaturel avec ces modèles!

Leonti - 14 September 11:26

I think it can be a lot more subtle than that. i've felt violated after sex because i felt that i had to consent, not out of fear of violence, but out of a fear of emotional consequences. there were no explicit threats, but i felt manipulated into having sex, even though my partner didn't realize that their actions had this effect on me. this isn't violence, but isn't consent, and it's a really great way to ruin your sex life.

Federico - 8 December 12:29

>i would to get into with another girl and two guys

Is that a sentence? You'd be better off leaning how to write a coherent sentence instead of watching porn.

Doris - 9 February 22:28

She just happy to be getting some. Been a while for her.
