Telephones Prostituees Pita

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Comments (9)

Fuerst - 20 September 09:00

Bouche mignonne, je veux poumon rencontres sexe. Surprenez-moi appelez et venez a moi, si tu veux, je vais m’habiller, comment faut!

Monica - 9 April 12:00

Bon prix pour le sexe à Pita - euros.

Aurora - 26 July 08:35

love it!!

Tyra - 11 June 17:51

LOL reminds me of my sex education class in high school. The teacher got a plastic, unopened water bottle, asked if everybody would drink from it (Yes, teacher). He took a couple of swigs out of it, asked if anyone would drink (some said yes, some said no). He then took a piece of candy, popped into the drink, swirled it around, and said, How bout now? (I was the smart ass and said, 'I don't know. I might be really thirsty that day. You don't know me').
