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Comments (3)

Millard - 14 May 06:11

Veux baise-toi a la maison lit, moi terne quand vous n’etes pas la!

Kratofil - 8 July 05:10

Au Felina Barcelona , nous faisons tout notre possible pour protéger la vie privée de nos clients et leur garantir de la discrétion.

Mark - 19 October 13:21

Chris Were brought me here.

Brilla - 27 March 06:40

This was a great episode. The dr Blake videos are in my opinion the best videos from seplanations yet. There is so much mystery about going to the gynecologist, unnecessary. It's not the same everywhere though, in the Netherlands you only go to a gyno when the gp refers you, they work at hospitals and it is not standard that they give you check ups. But when you do get a check up from a gynecologist it is pretty much the same as this series.

Gorri - 14 June 15:34

1 Allie Chase
