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Comments (5)

Leonti - 12 December 10:21

Bouche, aime son petit trou. Appeler, passer du temps alone, mais l’un comme ennuyeux.

Darty - 1 June 14:01

Entreprise Comm.

Ruddell - 11 October 15:18

So the question should be: why does heterosexuality exist?

Steve - 8 March 18:10

Oh I am so horny after seeing this. Indeed someone that would give my swollen cunt a good soaking.

Kolker - 9 January 18:53

Question that's been on my mind: all genitals just seem visually really gross to me even though I am obsessed with all other parts of the opposite sex. So I guess at least with guys (since I had an experience which prompted this question with guys do guys actually get off on the sight of a woman's crotch? Or is it just society causing guys to pretend they get off purely on the sight of it?
