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Comments (7)

Jule - 7 November 08:58

Seduction putain cherche homme pour le feu divertissement.

Vincent - 10 August 11:20

Les maîtres Jean-Marc Généreux, Lydia Bouchard et les Twins les ont préférés aux milliers de danseurs qui se sont présentés aux auditions. Une publication partagée par Janie Richard janierichard17 le 13 Oct.

Launa - 29 March 20:04

Nice tits and pussy. I'd love to fuck her tits or have her bend over and take her from behind.

Kristina - 4 July 10:21

lol! I always like to fuck hard after doing some math

Emmitt - 5 March 18:23

That's lovely. She keeps her legs apart to show her sex, and clutches the bed linen in a way which shows she's trying hard (with success) to stay in position and take the pain. It obviously hurts her quite a lot but it's not brutal - she has some nice stripes to show for it but no lasting harm. Also, she thanks the caner after each stroke, as a good girl should. I m h o, it's the ideal way for a male to punish a female, and both get a thrill from it. (I know this isn't a punishment, b t w.)
