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Comments (5)

Cordes - 4 June 21:10

Coince sur photos, doute, craignons. Ici rien reflechir, conseiller aujourd’hui telephoner et passer agreablement soiree, plaisir toi garantis!

Enoch - 26 July 04:33

Sur notre ressource seulement jolie femmes: exclusif et bellissima beautés, sensible juteux putes et dépravé prostituées. Arrête de te branler.

Lavelle - 13 June 20:51

Empathizing by itself is just fine! i understand that you want to help! but the thing is, empathy itself is not the same as experience. and while discussion is a great way to educate, when someone who has experienced oppression tells you something, what you need to do is /listen bc real and personal experience will always trump theoretical knowledge. when you argue with GSMs about something that is real to them, it trivializes their experiences, and it silences them, and that hurts.

Ronna - 18 June 20:11

Althought you mentioned fuck in the start you missed it from the main body but i guess we all know it generally meants to have sex. i think its amusing that being called a virgin was meant to be offencive but at the same time being called a fucker was an insult some people are daft.
