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Comments (8)

Hanold - 11 January 13:24

Arrete inviter photos, aucun n’osera, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, conseiller simplement voir et de passer du temps ensemble, plaisir toi nomination.

Stofsky - 28 April 23:29

Grâce à ClubCoquin, vous allez pouvoir facilement rencontrer les plus belles libertines à bonchamp-les-laval.

Jim - 19 January 18:40

Me too. I haven't been quite right with the series since I saw this. She's said a few other things that make me wince a little. Since her platform is that of an authority on sex and sexuality, I feel like her occasional ignorant statements are presented as statements of fact, and that makes me uncomfortable. I wish she'd at least address it when she says something to which her audience reacts so viscerally.

Aynes - 19 February 14:32

15 Olga Response

Etta - 30 June 06:41

You scored 60 out of 100 masculine points, 61.667 out of 100 feminine points, and 59.167 out of 100 androgynous (neutral points. 70's me is super confused.

Anton - 12 October 12:28

Gawd no. This can't be true?
