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Comments (7)

Hoak - 29 April 18:31

Arrete mes images, aucun n’osera, craignons. Ici rien penser, besoin aujourd’hui telephoner et passer un moment inoubliable, qualite sexe toi nomination.

Cory - 22 June 23:04

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Skolnik - 11 February 09:49

I don't have a Flashlight, I have a Tenga Flip-Air, the problem with this thing is too noisy. During the process, the air gets pushed out and then sucked in. It sounds kinda awkward and loud. I wonder if these home-made ones make less or no noise at all.

Fidel - 4 April 21:30

When I had just discovered masturbation at the age of 11 an hour was not enough. At all.

Shasta - 27 April 22:01

Though definitely NOT at the# 17 extreme level but this was enjoyable.
