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Comments (2)

Buckhannon - 8 January 08:39

Tres chaud minou soif passion.

Jed - 18 May 07:53

La Nicoleta. Je suis heureux de pret aider detendre.

Idalia - 29 October 04:27

Ooohhh I understand pansexuals so much better now. maybe I am pansexual

Parolari - 3 February 21:51

I have two questions. (1 If a man is almost ready to ejaculate, and he's producing sperm, and he stops so he doesn't ejaculate, what happens to those sperm? Do they get saved? Reabsorbed? Peed out? (2 The version of morning wood known as the piss boner other than making you appear that you're aroused when you're not, preventing you from rolling out of bed, and whacking against the door jamb on the way to the bathroom, what's it good for?
