Numeros Putains Ooh

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Comments (8)

Leroy - 13 February 09:32

Bloque inviter images, aucun n’osera, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier reflechir, conseiller simplement rencontre et passer un moment inoubliable, qualite sexe je garantis!

Teodoro - 12 October 11:00


Ozell - 16 February 13:01

But our society is also litigious to an extreme. In your example, the lovely woman you wrote on responded seemingly affirmatively (though not verbally to your proposal to write on her body, and you promised to respond in future if her mind were ever changed about sharing the act in the video. In this scenario, you promised to erase the evidence of the activity by removing the video (if she chose to in the future). But could you, in the future, promise to UN-write on her body?В

Elisa - 16 February 07:06


Laurence - 3 December 13:56

I've been wondering, I am not attracted to men or women in a sexual way. I don't think about them that way and the few times I've tried with another human the experience was.not good?I mean.I wasn't hurt or anything, but I didn't enjoy it. But the thing is I like to masturbate. So I'm confused. Can I call myself asexual cause I don't find human beings attractive and don't like the act of sex with another, even though I do like masturbating? Or is this something else?
