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Comments (9)

Georgianna - 4 April 02:21

Interessant et chaud, brillant apparence. Je ferai tout au plus haut niveau meme pour le plus expert hommes.

Lilliana - 17 April 22:50

Poursuivant sa démarche d'analyse du monde du travail à l'heure de la mondialisation Michael Glawogger se penche, cette fois-ci, sur les travailleuses du sexe.

Castiglia - 9 January 15:26

And finally, those who were open enough about their homosexuality to be a part of a study probably suffered a huge shift in their lives at some point when their homosexuality was discovered and, sadly, were less likely to receive the support from family necessary to pursue higher education. I'm not sure what the upside-down V in the chart was meant to indicate, but I would guess it meant that homosexual tendencies didn't have any effect on education until the late teens, when many young men would be likely to come out or otherwise be outed.

Bessie - 30 August 23:17

How do u know that's shaylon Massey?

Marianne. Age: 26
Valeria. Age: 18
Viviana. Age: 24
