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Comments (4)

Yolande - 30 September 02:30

Veux avec plaisir passer loisirs l’entreprise delicieux beaute. Je suis toujours prete a vous aider se reposer.

Tunby - 8 December 21:50

Le jeu le plus addictif de Throne: Jeu en Ligne Gratuit. Throne: Jeu en Ligne Gratuit.

Russ - 18 May 17:19

very sexy lady love to help her

Ronni - 29 March 08:37

During this particular video (despite having a great premise I was very distracted by your co-host and could no longer pay attention to the topic fully. I found that he says like a lot, like a lot. 84 times during this 6 minute and 39 second video. that's an average of 1 like every 4.75 seconds. I also found that this seemed to distract you as well. At which point you were trying to use any other word, when like would have otherwise been appropriate. You only used the word like about 9 times.
