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Comments (5)

Biel - 1 August 18:09

Bouche fille avec doux visage pantalon, je veux t’appeler!

Susana - 22 April 22:35

La prostitution est une composante de la vie quotidienne des Grecs antiques dès l' époque archaïque. Dans les cités grecques les plus importantes et en particulier les ports, elle emploie une part non négligeable de la population et représente donc une activité économique de premier plan.

Ruka - 3 January 21:40

For an example on #4 that happened recently to me. I was out playing games at a comic book/game store last Tuesday and when we had a break I went outside to get some fresh air. While outside I saw what appeared to be 3-4 people breaking into a car. It was dark outside, I was in a parking lot, and I had concerns over my own safety if I got involved by myself.

Wilison - 18 February 10:14

My partner and I agree before drinking whether or not sex is an option for that evening, so both can give sober concent ahead of time. Of course, said concent can be revoked while unsober. But, no matter how much i ask (since im the one who usually drinks), it will not be taken as concent unless previously given. Its annoying in the moment, but im glad we have this rule. Also, yes, getting off when drunk (or otherwise intoxicated is frustratingly difficult. I always thought lower inhibitions mean better sex/orgasms; NOPE!

Lawwill - 4 February 02:45

super ......
