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Comments (9)

Menton - 9 September 19:28

Veux avec plaisir passer temps societe seduction beaute. Je souhaite vous aider bien passer du temps.

Hinchee - 18 July 13:56

La loi renforçant la lutte contre la prostitution semble porter ses fruits. En un an, personnes ont été interpellées, selon le collectif Abolition , qui regroupe 62 associations de lutte contre la prostitution, révèle Le Parisien.

Ellie - 6 January 17:23

Hot vid! I would have done them both in my fantasy world.

Shan - 9 April 22:16

The sex seemed to be great, but it was difficult to tell because the man standing five from the couple with the camera could not manage to hold it still, keep it right side up or aim it in the direction of the hottest action. This is typical of cuckold porn, and almost all IR porn has the cuckold theme. The other disturbing thing about cuckold -- which shows that a white woman cannot have sex with a black man w/o a white man's permission or to please a white man -- is that while it will show penetration, sucking on the part of both parties and tit play, the camera almost always avoids showing IR kissing, or showing from a distance or at an angle to obscure the view. It is interesting to see these prejudices and restrictions honored in porn that is interracial. It should have a new category name "Interracial (Limited)" so we know that certain things will not be shown.
