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Comments (6)

Cleopatra - 4 May 09:43

Coince sur photos, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier reflechir, conseiller maintenant telephoner et profiter de l’ambiance, et de tendresse et d’affection je fournirai!

Isa - 15 December 13:35

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Position du 69, Fetiche. Toutes les modèles de plus de 18 ans.

Yasuko - 2 August 10:39

There are also crazy men, but they are not crazy because they are male, they are crazy because they are crazy. Saying that the existence of crazy women is 'not helping the image of their gender implies that their craziness is related to their femininity that they are crazy because they are women as opposed to crazy and female being two distinct traits that are not linked. I think this is part of why people were offended by your comments. also the word crazy is very non-specific

Ruka - 16 October 06:57

You mean“ POLLEMON GO! 🙂

Rohan - 21 November 11:58

Wow… supeer incitant sex in 3….

Maddalena. Age: 23
Gemma. Age: 22
Catarina. Age: 21
